Punjab Governor Chaudhry Mohammad Sarwar has said that racial discrimination against the Palestinians is a crime of Israel and Human Rights Watch has also exposed all the crimes of Israel. World peace will remain a dream unless Kashmir and Palestine issues are resolved, he said adding the United Nations and the Muslim Ummah will have to break their silence and take practical steps against Israeli and Indian terrorism, otherwise, history will never forgive them.
Talking to various delegations at Governor’s House Lahore on Wednesday, Chaudhry Sarwar said that after the 213-page report of Human Rights Watch, there remains no doubt that Israel is involved in heinous crimes including racial discrimination against Palestinians. Israel’s treatment of Palestinians within its borders and in the occupied territories is condemnable. Locals in the Gaza Strip and the West Bank are also being systematically deprived of their basic rights, he added. The Governor Punjab said that unfortunately, the terrorism of Israeli and Indian forces is worsening with each passing day. Despite the worsening situation of Coronavirus, there is a curfew in Kashmir where even basic amenities like health care are not available to the Kashmiris due to which they are losing their lives after falling prey to Coronavirus. The international bodies, including the United Nations, should take note of the situation in Kashmir and Palestine and provide them with basic facilities as well as relief from all atrocities, he maintained.
Meanwhile, Chaudhry Sarwar expressed concern over more than 142 deaths from Coronavirus in Pakistan and urged the public to comply with the SOPs otherwise the Coronavirus situation will no longer remain under control. The government does not want to impose a complete lockdown so the public should cooperate with the government in preventing Coronavirus spike, he added.