A qualified crisis only when accepted as general consensus; otherwise remains another humdrum chorus of complaints to echo inside the hollow chambers of national treasuries. The new highly interconnected and unstoppable world is far crueler, superbly competitive but still very fair to right performances and speed, challenging last century thinking and operations as nothing but liabilities at a time when technology becomes almost free demanding brand new rules of global-age deployments;
“Firing the first person for incompetence for saying they have no new funding to change and firing the next person for disorganization for saying they are too busy and have no time to change”.
It’s time no time to waste, choose and build world-class performance standards, create global-age skilled export promotion agencies on platform economies and bring home grassroots prosperity, otherwise, restless citizenry, populism and economic chaos becomes inevitable. Study 100 micro-power-nations as going forward strategies.
Why is Pakistan already ahead?
Pakistan is already way ahead, on so many fronts, like blessed with massive youthful workforce, amazing natural resources and an amazing half-sleepy-half-awake entrepreneurial nation all bundled with a great leadership of Prime Minster Imran Khan at the very top. Without exports nations are doomed; without Export Promotion Agencies local exporters are doomed; without exporting goods foreign exchange revenues are doomed; without foreign exchange revenues national economy is doomed. This is how restless citizenry arises and fears of populism starts growing.
“Firing the first person for incompetence for saying they have no new funding to change and firing the next person for disorganization for saying they are too busy and have no time to change”
Quadrability of exports for Pakistan is a logical and very achievable process but in need of specific leadership, stamina and authoritative command and control.
Reality Check: Recently, Alibaba recorded USD $39 Billion of sales within 24 hours by placing million plus SME on digital platform. Was Pakistan able to do something like this all along during last decade, yes and of course? Why not done and what stopped this? Study deeply, as around the world, currently; there are 100 nations with less than $38 Billion dollars in annual GDP. Now imagine if Alibaba performed at the same rate for next 365 days, it would equal to annual GDP of Japan, Germany, India, France, UK and Canada all combined. Bravo Alibaba, well done, the world in shock is now fondling within its own toolbox to find some rusty screwdrivers. How Pakistan and some 100 other nations missed that? Ask Alibaba on what were they doing all along last decade? No secretes there, just study deeply.
How will currently collapsed export infrastructure magically transformed via massive digitization only if declared as a national emergency and by mobilizing 1000 in IT and 100 Public departments and 100,000 SME during next 365 days for all to learn to dance on free digital platforms. Such ideas are not new funding dependent but execution starved.
The abandonment of such national mobilization already missed by dozens of nations comes at humongous opportunity losses, creating restless citizenry and growing populism.
In Global Index, when a nation like Pakistan ranks 6th as the largest population, ranks 66th on global exports and ranks 147th on Human Development Index this is already a national crisis. Not as a humming meditation mantra of complains but as a call of action with vigor for national unity to fixing it. National mobilization of entrepreneurialism and small medium size enterprises on platform economy is now that new call.
Rules of engagements: There is no room to blame or point fingers, time to dance; because ability of transformation really poured like rain as free technologies have flooded the mountains and valleys of the world. Smart leaderships of smart nations are awakening to these realities.
Rules of Exportability: without customized-workable-platform-economy-modeling there is no real exportability campaign; become an expert, half the information is already on Google for a decade.
Fact: world can absorb unlimited exportable ideas in unlimited vertical markets.
Fact: well-designed innovative ideas are worthy of such quadrupled volumes.
Fact: entrepreneurial and dormant talents of a nation are capable of such tasks.
Fact: global age skills, knowledge and execution are now the missing links
In Global Index, when a nation like Pakistan ranks 6th as the largest population, ranks 66th on global exports and ranks 147th on Human Development Index this is already a national crisis. Not as a humming meditation mantra of complains but as a call of action with vigor for national unity to fixing it. National mobilization of entrepreneurialism and small medium size enterprises on platform economy is now that new call
Rules of National Mobilization of Entrepreneurialism: To deploy such blueprints, launch a nationwide business-uplift lifelong learning agenda for the entire export promotion bodies, Chambers, trade associations and also the entire small-medium-exporters base of the nation. Review this process meticulously every 100 days. Under right situation, the export promotion of the nation can easily quadruple within a year. It is necessary to keep asking what is blocking this and who is stopping this?
The world is changing fast; this is not just a cliché, it’s now a warning Study deeply global-age exportability, micro-power-nations, skills-wars and national mobilization of entrepreneurialism…all available since last decade on Google.
Naseem Javed is a corporate philosopher, Chairman of Expothon Worldwide; a Canadian Think tank focused on National Mobilization of Entrepreneurialism Protocols as Platform Economy solutions now gaining global attention. His latest book; Alpha Dreamers; the five billions connected who will change the world