Every country is based on different kind of fundamentals heading different perspectives and responsibilities, they act as a pillar in developing nation and economy both nationally and internationally.
Every nation survival is based on a cycle of goods and services, if it runs properly any kind of developed or undeveloped country can tackle its issues or crisis very well, if not a developed nation can collapse.
Coming to issues and crisis they are categorized in kinds which could be illiteracy, unemployment, corruption, poverty, over population, violence, etc.
These are the major problems faced by not every but merely a bunch of countries, facing a problem is not only an issue, facing it tackling the situation founding a way heads to it and elimination of problem, this simple sentence is easy in reading but implementation took years.
These simple and little kinds of crisis make a vicious cycle that round around the economical border of any country and attack when the situation is already worse.
Like any other developing nation Pakistan is also in race of developing nations, but in way this vicious cycle attack on Pakistan when its economy is already in vulnerable condition.
If we take Karachi the capital of Sindh Pakistan, the city is facing this vicious cycle for more then 30 years constantly and ruined peace is another issue.
Karachi is one of the biggest and developed cities of Pakistan having an important place in economical development, Karachi is famous for its hospitality if any person comes in Karachi, he will surely find a shelter to evolve.
Water crisis, unemployment, corruption, poverty, overpopulation, and violence is normal for any Karachiite now.
Karachi is facing this vicious cycle and tackled many dispute situations such as Afghan refugees, one of its own kind.
Besides being an important and influential city, it suffered a lot and situation evolved with evolving era, proper planning was not constructed which did a lot to this city, when the issues rising proper schemes and planned actions if happened then the situation was more different and more fascinating but a now stabling Karachi is a bandage to this wound.
In comparison Lahore the capital of Punjab was a stable and undisputed city it is also called the heart of Pakistan, started facing the same situations from years they popped up like a tiny head and converted in to adult heads and moving from that they can become a huge crisis platter difficult to finish.
Now from past 10 years Lahore is in its way to become old Karachi!
Situation can be worse if correct and timely action is not taken.
Water crisis, unemployment, corruption, poverty, overpopulation and cleanliness same vicious cycle hits Lahore now.
Water crisis, cleanliness and overpopulation is the major problems now a days that is to be handled and action wanting situations.
Unemployment, poverty and corruption is also a popping alarms that could be turn in to majors.
As compared to Karachi, Lahore will be more effected by this cycle as it is smaller in area and capacity then Karachi.
Lahore could not face this cycle for more years if it remains unsolved for more years and if it left at side Lahore will face major degradation in both economic and financial stage.
Proper planning is needed to hammer the popped adult crisis, otherwise the erupted volcano is still heating up and can turn into a major disaster which will be difficult to head down and will be a time- consuming situation.